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Selling Your House During a Downsize

Selling Your House During a Retirement Community Move

Moving can be an incredibly stressful experience, and adding the process of selling your house only adds to this feeling of overwhelm. While ultimately the decision to sell should remain personal, it’s beneficial to be informed about all available options before making a final decision. Here are some facts to take into account before selling your home:

The Market

It’s wise to research how much your home is worth in today’s market. This will give you a ballpark figure and ensure you are receiving a fair price for it. If you have an agent, they can provide an estimate or you can do some comparison shopping online or through classified ads. Discover our online community by visiting:

The Agent

Once you’ve done your due diligence and determined what your home is worth in today’s market, it’s time to search for an agent. An agent plays a vital role in negotiating your contract with the seller, plus they can give you an accurate valuation of how much your house is worth and what closing costs you should expect. For best results, consult an expert who specializes in real estate listings.

The Contract

A contract is the legal document that lays out all the details of selling your home. It outlines what will occur during the sale and shows how much money you owe at closing. Usually only one page long, it should include everything from the precise closing date to what follows after that. You can research more information online or ask your agent for more assistance.


When meeting with the seller, they’ll likely ask you questions to gain a better understanding of your needs, wants and desires. It’s best to be completely honest during this stage as outlining all your wants will make it simpler for both of you to get the most out of this deal.

Closing Costs

When you purchase a house, there are always closing costs associated with the transaction; similarly, when selling your home there will be closing expenses as well. Closing costs usually consist of transfer taxes, title insurance and attorney fees; part of these fees is returned to you but most goes towards making mortgage payments on the house you are selling.